Thursday, October 10, 2013


Hi, my name is Micah. This is my blog.

Welcome to my secret lair.

All about me
  • I like to read a lot.
  • I like to read all kinds of books.
  • Do you like to read? Please comment below.


  1. I read a lot when I was growing up too. I still read a lot, but I don't read books so much anymore. I read a lot of articles about a lot of different things.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Replies
    1. this is micah. thanks for your comment.

      p.s. i was being sarcastic

  3. I like to read too. I read just about anything. I really like to read the back of food packages in the grocery store. It takes me forever to get things in the store because I like to read the ingredients and the descriptions on the packages. I also like to read fantasy books like Chronicles of Narnia and Lord of the Rings. Keep up the reading fella. Harry Truman once said, Not all good readers become leaders, but all leaders are good readers.

  4. hi i am sam.u i like to read to. i like your website to.

  5. I LOVED to read as a kid and still enjoy it, just don't have as much time. It's helped me to have better spelling, grammar, and vocabulary :)

  6. Micah, it's so cool you have started a blog! I like to read, but I never get extra time to read books for myself. Most of the books I read are for my students at school, or my kids at home. I love to hear about some of the books you like to read.
    Keep reading!!!
    Mrs. Humphrey

  7. Hi Micah, Congrats on your blog! I have always loved to read. I still have to hide books/my kindle when I am reading a really good book but need to get work done. Growing up I loved to read biographies, Chronicles of Narnia, Little House on the Prairie, and choose your own adventure books. I enjoyed reading the book about spiders to Mrs Humphrey's class today. We look forward to reading your next post.

  8. Hi Micah! I like books about monkeys and pandas and giraffes. --Mikaylyn

  9. Hi Micah, I love to read. I read everyday. Sometimes I read 2 or 3 books at a time. I read to my children everyday. I hope they grow to love reading just as much as their cousin! - Ginny

  10. Hey Micah! I sure love to read! It's one of my favorite things to do. Miss you kiddo!
